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Extracts from herbs to touch the main ingredient. Cantaloupe, white ginseng, palm leaf, saw blade
Cantaloupe extract It accelerates germination of black hair length and strength to inhibit the fall, the hair is soft and shiny
Ginseng extract It stimulates the circulation of cells in the scalp. Give hair roots get nutrients. The hair root effect is awake. It accelerates germination and nourishes hair roots. And reduce the loss of hair
Sorrelmate Natural extracts of palm kernel, saw blade in Europe. Reduces hormone production in the testosterone. Reduce and inhibit. Hair loss due to genetic causes as well
Honey Wax Treatment from Forest and Wild Honey Repair with hair. Protects against sun damage and external pollution. Helps to keep dry and split ends
Shower & Clean Head Scalp -Make sure your head should be clean or wash your head before applying 2) Pre Message & Comb – Gently massage your head with fingers for 4-5 minutes, and then comb/ Brush your head even if there’s no hair at all 3) Spray Neo Hair Lotion . – Directly spray Neo Hair Lotion into the roots. Make sure the whole head is covered.


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Neo Hair Lotion – Hair T...

Original price was: .د.ب16.500.Current price is: .د.ب13.900.
